Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Religious Knowledge in America World Religions

Religious Knowledge in America World Religions

Q After you have taken the "U.S. Religious Knowledge Quiz" in Module 1, evaluate your own religious knowledge by answering the following questions: 1. Do you think religious illiteracy is a problem for you? 2. If you find that your religious knowledge is lacking, why do you think that is? 3. If you find that it is strong, would you say that your knowledge is strong with regard to any one particular tradition?

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Interestingly, though not surprisingly, I got 14/15 on the U.S. Religious Knowledge Quiz, and I owe it to interaction, movies, and reading. Religious illiteracy is not an issue for me, because I do not look upon different religions as different entities. Yes, they are all unique to each and have different sets of beliefs and practices, but in the end, they are all a part of the faith we have for someone who knows it all and has all the powers to make everything right. This unites every person, no matter what their religion is. I am very tolerant and respectful towards all religion, and I like to know about the different traditions, as gives an idea about how people communicate with the idea of God.